Group Of Ducks Called 92

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A group of ducks can be called a flock, brace, raft, team or paddling. A group of ducks is referred to as a flock while they are in flight.

The collective noun for a group of geese on the ground There is a legendary old woman called Mother Goose who wrote nursery Ostrich to Ducks.

Group Of Ducks Called 43

Group Of Ducks Called 113

A group of ducks is called a badelynge, bunch, brace, flock, paddling, raft or team. Also, one might call it a dover of ducks.

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Group Of Ducks Called 43

Sep 11, 2008 · This Site Might Help You. RE: what is a group of ducks called? i.e., gaggle of geese, covey of quail, etc.

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Group Of Ducks Called 59

Groups of any sort of birds are called flocks. Waterfowl have a few more amusing names that are rarely used – a group can be called a ‘plump.’

The ducks are divided among several subfamilies in the family Anatidae; they do not represent a monophyletic group A male duck is called a drake

Dec 14, 2016 · What is a flock of hummingbirds, a group of flamingos, a mass of ducks or a flock of eagles called? Learn the collective nouns for different birds.

Baby ducks are called ducklings, and a group of ducklings being cared for by their mother is called a brood. A group of ducks in flight is referred to as a flock.

Group Names for Birds: A Partial List By Terry Ross A bevy of quail A bouquet of pheasants [when flushed] A brood of hens A building of rooks A cast of hawks [or

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