Can you tell me how to lose just thigh fat? wikiHow Contributor. Just do squats for half an hour. No matter how much you do on the first day, slowly push your limits.

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Can’t lose belly fat? Your genetics, hormones, or some easy-to-fix mistakes may be to blame. Discover the reasons why you’re not losing belly fat.

Carbs blast belly fat. Carbs help you lose your belly fat faster than other foods, even when the same number of calories are consumed.

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Not seeing the results you want with your current diet and weight-loss regimen? Try these expert tips to lose fat and uncover the abs you always knew you had.

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Apr 16, 2014 ยท The rumor: You can spot-reduce to lose body fat Legend has it that, by targeting specific parts of your body through exercise, you can laser-focus where

And you have healthier options you can start on — today! You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at “When you eat too few calories, you lose fat but also

Booze can also make you lose the fat-loss war. A beer every once in a while won’t hurt you, but it’s imperative that you stop indulging in weekend binges.

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Losing fat is no easy feat, but a little pro advice can go a long way. Check out these 17 blubber-banishing tips and supercharge your shred!

You can reduce body fat through a combination of cardio, resistance training, and diet. How quickly you can lose body fat varies from person to person.

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Still can’t button your jeans after weeks of exercise and dieting? Here’s how to lose fat once and for all with these tips from The Bikini Body Diet

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