Ouch (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Next time you think about finding out whether your wedding ring fits on your penis, try to resist the urge. A guy from South Africa

Chinese man gets a chopstick stuck in his penis while investigating what caused blood in his urine because he was too afraid to see a doctor Chinese man was too

Wife wanted him to wear wedding ring to prove love and loyalty to marriage.

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Doctors have amputated a man’s penis after it became stuck in a bottle he was using as a sex toy for four days. – New Zealand Herald

Toyman becomes stuck inside his married lover after suffering ‘penis captivus’ during sex… then crowd gathers to see after rumours it was caused by husband casting

A man who got his penis stuck in a metal ring ended up having to call the fire brigade for help after he failed to free his privates for two whole days.

A man had to be rushed to hospital after getting a metal c*** ring stuck on his penis – until doctors used BOLT CUTTERS to remove it. He was using the sex aid at home

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A man in Germany has a 7-pound, 9-inch-long, and 3-inch-wide penis after silicone injections.

Oct 16, 2016 · A middle-aged man from Honduras needed an emergency operation to remove his penis after he got it stuck in a bottle he was using as a sex toy, according to

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Nov 10, 2016 · A man stuck a metal chopstick up his penis after seeing blood in his urine. (Asia Wire

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