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Drooling is when saliva unintentionally flows outside of your mouth. It can be caused by too much saliva production or weak muscles around the mouth.

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So if you suddenly seem to have a lot more saliva in your mouth, it may be because you’re actually producing more saliva or because you’re swallowing less

Excess saliva in mouth could be due to a number of possible causes. Some of these excess saliva in mouth causes include pregnancy, over-functioning salivary

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Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Lelvowitz on what causes excessive saliva in mouth: Most common is rhinits less common is cough asthma bronchitis see your

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Excessive Saliva What’s the Real Deal? Excessive saliva is not a condition in itself, although it is particularly known among doctors and is called in technical

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Hypersalivation (also called ptyalism or sialorrhea) is excessive production of saliva. It has also been defined as increased amount of saliva in the mouth

Managing Excessive Saliva. Patients who experience swallowing problems often notice that they seem to salivate more. The fact is, they may not be salivating more, but

Normal saliva production in the mouth varies from 1 to 2 liters per day. It is the highest just before and during eating and the lowest during sleep.

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Having A Problem With Excessive Saliva? Production of excessive saliva in the mouth is a condition that can come on somewhat suddenly, last for a time, and eventually

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